How does your business provide information to your customers or potential customers?
Businesses communicate with their customers in many different ways through a variety of communication tools which often depend on their budget and size of audience the business wants to reach. Having high visibility for our client’s brand is a priority for us. This means harnessing the powerful opportunities that Google and major social media platforms can provide. One way we can do this for businesses is through a tailored content strategy.
Our content strategy highlights show how our clients have created information based on the needs of their customers.
Corporate Storytelling – The Essential Guide – Anecdote
Don’t miss this one – the Anecdote team have created an exceptional, definitive guide to corporate storytelling. Everything you need to know is in this epic piece of content.
We have managed the SEO strategy and it is currently ranking on page one of Google in most countries around the world (and number two in Australia). We are aiming for number one in key markets over the next couple of months.
Read the post here.
Project: South Waikato Regenerative Collaboration – Ata Regenerative
Ata Regenerative was founded by Dr Hugh Jellie with a focus on a holistic approach to farming and agriculture. Through their partnerships with Savory Institute and nRhythm they deliver practical solutions, implementation, training and education for a wide range of agricultural, commercial and governmental applications.
This is a case study that looks at a project that Ata Regenerative is working on in the South Waikato region in New Zealand. It explains the complexity of a multi-stakeholder project and how a collaborative approach using regenerative design ensures successful outcomes. Read the case study here.
What I have learned in 4 months of piloting a mentoring program for the whole marketing industry – TrinityP3
TrinityP3 are a global network of consultants that for more than fifteen years, have been solving the complex challenges that require evidence-based thinking combined with design-focused creativity. They develop innovative marketing management solutions that provide a competitive advantage to all their clients.
For the past 4 months, TrinityP3 has been piloting an industry-based mentoring scheme for Australian marketing. When they say marketing, they mean this in the broadest sense of the term. It is marketing, media, advertising, ad tech and mar tech, design, and every other related discipline. Find out more about the mentoring scheme here.
How plastic-eating bacteria might just solve the pollution problem – immago
immago is an innovative and eco-conscious company that provides global solutions in the apparel and fashion industry. They develop customised solutions that recognise your delivery, billing & supply chain demands. They are committed to their customers and value open communication, and carefully manage each aspect of your project, from design to delivery.
While it’s true that we’re recycling more than we’ve ever done, we’re also consuming more, manufacturing plastics at an astonishing rate.
So how do we stop all this plastic from entering the ecosystem? The answer might just lie in a new scientific discovery known as Ideonella sakaiensis, or, to give it a simpler name, plastic-eating bacteria. Read more about it here.
Why now is the perfect time to consider a contracting career – CXC
CXC is a global operation offering a range of services to businesses all over the world. CXC is an extension of your HR and Procurement function, taking responsibility for your entire contingent workforce. CXC’s point of difference, while managing visibility, cost, and control, is to enable your talent first approach – including access to new and known talent and improving the engagement and performance of the workforce.
Across the world, there are shifting changes in the contingent workforce. According to the Mercer fault lines report, 62% of business leaders predict their company will hire more contractors in the future, and 75% believe that contractors will have an impact on their industry or business.
Love to bake? These 3 delicious baking oils bring recipes to life! – Olivado
Olivado produces an extensive range of high-quality oils for every culinary situation, giving you the perfect oil to go with your recipe. From seed to bottle, Olivado oils deliver on taste, quality, and goodness. Launching in 2000, the Olivado journey has gone from humble beginnings in a small New Zealand town to having their oils enjoyed by thousands of budding chefs around the world.
For many people, baking is more than simply food preparation. It’s a way to show love by showering friends and family with delicious treats. It can also be a meditative, therapeutic way to relieve stress, or in its simplest form, a relaxing hobby. Check out these three easy recipes each one made with different Olivado baking oils, bringing new and flavoursome delights to time-honoured recipes.
Making governance change in not-for-profit organisations – THINK: Insight & Advice
In 2007, Randall Pearce founded THINK with a commitment to insight, integrity and independence. Ten years on and Randall has become a trusted advisor to dozens of leaders in the not-for-profit sector and government for staying true to that simple three-word catch cry. Randall uses insight from research to inform the strategic advice he provides.
Making the right connections between what members and stakeholders say the problem is and the technical solutions proposed is a key step along the journey toward successful change-making. The next time your board considers making a change to your not-for-profit’s governance arrangements, you might consider calling in the gardeners before the lawyers, framing the issues in terms of their impact on members and mission and educating stakeholders on their practical application. Find out more about what this means here.
What’s best – ceiling mounted heat pumps or wall mounted heat pumps? – Flocon
The Flocon team are experts in air conditioning and heat pump services. They deliver exceptional customer service and install quality Mitsubishi Electric heating and cooling systems. They cover the full range of their Residential and Commercial heat pumps and air conditioning units across the Auckland region.
In this day and age, we are spoiled for choice when it comes to the different heating and cooling systems. If you are in the market to purchase a new heating system it’s good to know your facts. With so many options on the market, it’s worthwhile knowing the differences between wall mounted heat pumps and ceiling mounted heat pumps. Find out more about these heating systems here.
A guide on how to find the best commercial cleaning company – Rapid Facility Services
Rapid Facility Services are a nationwide industrial and commercial services company. They have got you covered from everything in industrial maintenance, specialty cleaning services and so much more. They provide highly trained experts in all of their services and can advise on what best suits your business’ needs.
Trying to find a reputable commercial cleaning company can feel like an overwhelming task when you don’t know where to look. Commercial and industrial workplaces are all different, made up of various surfaces, nooks, and crannies. And, if you’ve ever attempted to clean one, you know how difficult a job it can be. Find out what to look for in a commercial cleaning company here.
Want to know more about how to engage your customers or potential customers and grow your business?
We create business growth strategies that work. We commit to working with you to build a sustainable growth strategy that works for your business and industry. Get started by talking to us now about how we can help you take your business to the next level.