There’s been a lot of talk, controversy and opinions shared on where SEO is heading for 2013.   The first post in the Weekend Wrap for this year is from Eric Enge at Search Engine Watch where he gives his SEO predictions for the ever changing world of search.  We follow that with the essential SEO elements of keyword research – is it the most important part of SEO?

If you have ignored Google+ in the past, it might be a good time to read this post from Dejanseo where they explain the difference between authorship and author rank and whether author rank will be factored into Google  in 2013.

No,  link building is not going to go away and Jon Cooper sets the record straight in this enlightening post and tells us why it’s here to stay.

Mike’s post ‘8 SEO fundamentals for marketers and agencies in 2013’ is a good read and if you’re in the marketing game you will want to be informed on how content strategy, social media and technical compliance will be critical to web marketing.

Other great posts offering valuable insights for social media proof, link building for ecommerce sites and our last post for the week comes  from John Doherty on The Future of Cross Platform Publishing.

The image this week is from our new office in Ohope Beach

SEO / Search Engine Optimisation

Great post looks at the essential SEO element of keyword research. Top SEO Nick Eubanks takes you through a range of strategies from basic through to more advanced. SEO without keyword research will be a waste of your time. Check this out.
Confused about authorship and author rank? This post separates the 2 concepts nicely and shows why it is important to know the difference. What are the odds that author rank will be factored into one of Google’s updates this year? Pretty high I think. Time to get more active on Google+!

Social media/content marketing:

An excellent post that looks at a large number of elements in content marketing. User experience through technical compliance, your writing style, persuasive sales copy, keywords and implementation, split testing are all covered here and a lot more besides.
Facebook graph search is here and you can bet that some will love it and some will hate it. Facebook has such a huge amount of potential content to surface it was only a matter of time. If you don’t want to be publicly displayed because you live in a particular place and like wine now is probably a good time to revisit your privacy settings.

Usually John Doherty writes great pieces on SEO however in this post he looks at the benefits of optimised cross platform publishing. By this he means purposing your content for mobiles, tablets, apps, RSS and the full range of social media sites. Too many times what looks good on one of these looks shockingly inept on others.

This is our first Weekend Wrap for 2013 (wee bit late)!!  With the moving of our office to Ohope Beach and lots of other things going on we are a bit late getting this out…  Now that we’re settled the Weekend Wrap will continue to collate and share the best content we find on a weekly basis so you can keep up to date with what’s going on in the world of search, content marketing and social media.